where to find me

© Maria Schmitz


Infos to follow…

Full of enthusiasm and joy I am currently teaching in Frankfurt am Main

I am happy to offer private one-on-one lessons, which I can adapt to your individual needs, or...

Every Thursday at the Ashtanga Yoga Raum Frankfurt Vinyasa Yoga 6pm - 7:30pm and Yin Yoga 8pm - 9:30pm https://www.ashtanga-yoga-raum-frankfurt.de/anfahrt/

Every Friday at David Lloyd Club Skyline Plaza. 5:55pm - 6:55pm Power Yoga and 7:10pm - 8:25pm Yin Yoga https://www.davidlloyd.de/de-de/clubs/frankfurt-skyline-plaza/stundenplan/

At the Lindentagesklinik https://linden-tagesklinik.de


I am – Ganzheitlich ICH sein Februrary 20th 2025 to February 23rd 2025 https://menschenraum.com/2024/09/26/i-am-ganzheitlich-ich-sein/